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los tres
20 décembre 2008

Feliz Navidad y Happy New Year!

Bueno guys, the internet cafe is closing and its time for us to move on. this afternoon we will be sent on our way by a few of the gauchos we´ve met in the last few days, including chiqui, santiago and chiqui´s brother. the stretch of road where we went from one friend of a friend to the next is coming to an end and we are back into the rhythm of travelling and finding our own way along the ruta 40. the last few days have been some of the most special of the whole trip and we hope that the photos bring across the spirit of this beautiful country with its even more beautiful people...

we have no idea where we will be spending x-mas, but one thing is quite sure: we will not be anywhere near internet, phone or mobile reception.

so thats why we are wishing you all a very happy christmas and a happy new year 2009 from here!

all the best and hasta luego!

Los tres plus uno

Hy Myrnita + the others.:-)<br /> <br /> Good to follow your progress - Time has stood still, more or less, since Christmas last Wednesday, and will only pick up speed again sometime in yet another week or so, into the New Year...Nice !<br /> <br /> Fortsat god rejse !<br /> -- malou
Hello vous 3 (+1) !<br /> On vous suit de loin, et on vous souhaite de passer de bonnes fêtes estivales.<br /> Cuidense.<br /> A bientôt,<br /> <br /> Jean-Marc, Marie, Cécile et Lionel
Hola queria saber como pasaron Navidad???? espero que esten bien aca seguimos extrañandolos.-<br /> Les mando muchos cariños y cuidense.-<br /> Afectuosamente .- SANTIAGO
Amigos, la verdad es que no crei que los iba a extrañar pero aca todos los hechamos de menos!!!!!!!! pero bueno su simpatía y amabilidad fueron superior y hoy siento que un pedazo de mi amor por los caballos se fue con 4 grandes amigos a rodar por los hermosos esenarios de mi querido país!!!!!!<br /> Dios guarde sus sonrisas y proteja sus corazones, el resto para una noche buena y un mejor año venidero, seguro lo hara CARIMOCHO= CALIMOCHA!!!!!!!!Cuiden a Maradona, Mula Panza, Polvo Flojo, Canabis Yegua y al Bronco de Felipe.-<br /> Muchos cariños y diganme a que dirección de mail, mando las fotos que sacamos aca.- Besos para Todos
Hi Myrnale,<br /> to you and your compadres "Merry Christmas" and a "Happy New Year", wherever you all will celebrate. Perhaps in a small stable, a cactus decorated with a candle or two!?<br /> Enjoy the time, and I am waiting for the next report and photos.<br /> Love you!<br /> Daddy and Heidi
los tres
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